Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Do you have an Illness but no Disease

We all have someone who'd explain their situation this way - I feel ill and my doctor can't find out what's wrong. All my tests look okay. Is this some kind of a disease that does not have any diagnosis? If you are looking for an answer then perhaps this read could help! Sometimes, people have symptoms deemed medically unexplained, which is typically known as Psychosomatic Disorder. You only realise that you have a problem when you suffer from significant physical symptoms disturbing your lifestyle or making it difficult for you to function. Just to clarify that these issues are sometimes not neurological disorders. They belong to the fields of psychology and psychiatry. 
Disease and Illness The Difference Yes, emotional distress can cause Psychosomatic Disorders and the two most common psychosomatic symptoms are chronic fatigue and pain. These are difficult symptoms to assess because they cannot be objectively measured, they can only be described. As per the findings, up to one-third of people seen in an average general neurology clinic have neurological symptoms that can't be explained and, in those people, an emotional cause is often suspected. To understand this better it's important to know the difference between disease and illness. The disease is an organic issue which is diagnosed and illness is produced by the symptoms it causes. Now, how can we identify if the issue is more than an organic issue? Here is an example. Generally, disease and illness come together. You have a Gut issue and you will have an illness (symptoms of issues with your digestion etc). Someone could have a disease but due to medication might suffer mind or no illness. In some cases, you could have a disease and illness (symptoms) both, but in case the illness goes beyond the diagnosed scope and medication, then this is something to think about. Imagine someone who has an underactive thyroid gland that causes fatigue. 
They are on medication and blood tests show that the treatment has returned their thyroid hormone level to normal. We might expect this person to have minimal fatigue symptoms of thyroid disease. However, if that person has crippling tiredness which the thyroid disease does not fully explain, then that tiredness might be called psychosomatic even though there is a known underlying medical condition. Take a note of this - when you suppress stress, it leaks out in the form of physical symptoms. Stress or allostatic load can impair your cognitive ability? Yes! Lomg term stress can result in structural changes in your brain? Yes! Another example that is becoming quite common is that people with Epilepsy sometimes go through the wrong diagnosis and pills fail to work on them. Why? The seizures could be disassociative seizures which are more psychological, not necessarily due to the electrical activity issues with the brain. Yes, your mind has the ability to create seizures! Your body can respond to upset producing blackouts and convulsions. This sort of convulsion is known as a disassociative seizure (just an example!). Often the physical symptoms are there in place of the emotional upset. So for eg, if there is a memory or emotion that is too painful for a person to experience or recall, that emotion is converted into a physical disability as a sort of protective mechanism. In a convulsion, it is as if your brain is shutting down for a minute to keep you safe. If you did read the above paragraph carefully, you must have noticed some ear-prick up words - too painful to recall, protective, safe. Psychosomatic disorders are psychological and they exist in someone's life with a purpose or a role. And if you are one of them, you may want to think about the 3Ps involved in WHY you may have those symptoms, without a diagnosed disease? There are only 3Ps (roles) psychosomatic disorders play  Protect (safe), Punish or Prioritise (attention). For eg for a person with OCD, the purpose is mainly to either protect them or get them attention. Also, the tendency to somatize often begins in childhood. Recurrent abdominal pain is common in children but the organised cause is found in fewer than ten per cent of those affected. Conversion Disorders occur when distressing emotions or traumatic events cant be voiced, and some treatments (therapies) focus on finding a way to release that painful voice or emotions. We have seen similar cases with IBS and also chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) where especially in the latter, it's mainly associated with Psychosomatic Disorder. What's the cure? Usually, people who live longer with psychosomatic disorders will have less percentage of recovery as the body goes into homeostasis for a more extended period of time (repeating or reliving the traumatic experience of the past-producing chemical reactions of homeostasis). Plus, most of the patients are totally in denial and refuse to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist. If we have a disease it's easier to convince people (and ourselves!) about our dysfunctionality, but the same is problematic if that's arising due to psychological issues in our minds. Plus stigmatizing the whole condition doesn't help the process of seeking help.


Dealing with Mental Health

As a Quantum Meditation Practitioner, I realized that there is a great power/energy in the Universe with so much potential (opportunities), and if you can send an electromagnetic signature through your Mind and Body into the quantum, you can attract any possibilities and collapse any event in your life. In short, you can manifest anything (yes, anything!) and recreate your future reality. I manifested my apartment. I had no money! How did this happen? How did quantum open possibilities? How did I make money? I knew where I wanted to be, my dream building, and today, I am here! I manifested being a Therapist. Big risk after spending 15 years in HR, yes? Today, I have my diary literally booked, including some VIP clients (the names that will make you think twice, if this is real!). This is my story, and now, my purpose is to create awareness so that everyone is able to achieve what they want. So can our mind connect with the universe and make the latter draw possibilities for us? Can our brain waves attract anything from the universe? The answer is "YES". But before we find out how meditation would help us do this, you need to watch this video, mainly to understand the power of the mind, and the brain waves. And once you have understood the electrons and signals and controls, we then see how to connect with quantum.
1 Your Frontal Lobe is the CEO of your brain which is mainly your analytical thinking, reasoning and execution. When you meditate, you are calming or lowering the sounds of the other centres of the brain, and your senses, focusing on your mind and diving deep into your subconscious. Here, you are trying to create a new thought, in which analysis doesn't exist, and turn that into a new conscious reality.
2. Brain Waves: Sometimes people say that they can't meditate or focus, this is because they could be in a high BETA wave, meaning they are living in constant stress. Meditation activates the Alpha brain wave where you go into a relaxed state of mind, diving further into Theta where you would experience coherent activity, followed by heart coherence, which reduces stress hormones and also avoids various illnesses that your stress could bring. Here, what we are trying to achieve is mind and heart in coherence, before we send the electromagnetic signal into the quantum.
3. Quantum Meditation breaks the subconscious emotions and habits and creates a new reality. We are all living our past. 90% of our thoughts are from yesterday or the day before. 95% of who we are is decided by the age of 35 and sits in our subconscious. This is what the research says about us and the way we live. We are constantly on a mission to predict our reality and our future, and maintain our current state of being. We re-live our past through experiences and draw ourselves to familiar situations. Ask someone to stop being a "victim" or "angry", they will automatically draw or attract circumstances making them feel the same. If you are an angry person, you can't manifest a peaceful future, or harmony in relationships as your mind and body will recreate (of course through you!) situations which will trigger the anger again and again. Wait for the second emotion "guilt" to follow. This is how we develop a chemical cocktail of emotions in our lives and are never able to come out of that! Quantum Meditation breaks through your past, develops new emotions, and lets you design your new future because then there will be no blocking emotions as hurdles in manifestation. 

4. The way we are and the way we present ourselves: We will never tell anyone what insecurities, negative emotions or limitations we have, as we constantly are trying our best to put our best foot forward. We wear a mask. There is a gap between who we are and what we show which creates emptiness, and for us to find happiness, we move /escape by doing different things or finding happiness in different things. When this gap increases and new people, new body, new places, and new things stop bringing up happiness, we move to Addictions. We move to addictions when we no longer feel ourselves and addiction is the best way for us to escape that feeling of emptiness.

5. What is Quantum Meditation? It is connecting with the quantum, the possibilities (health, wealth, career, relationship family, overcoming emotional/mental blocks or illnesses) through your energy. There is a particular scientific process to do that. My technique is unique as it has the best of RTT, Hypnosis, Neuroscience and of course quantum physics. It's a guided meditation, that allows you to eliminate old subconscious thoughts and sprout and install new ones. This way you are in coherence in your thought and feelings and are able to then send out a strong electromagnetic frequency in the quantum connecting to possibilities, and new opportunities. 

6. Is it effective? My technique (proudly!) is the most unique and effective formula. After the launch of the first workshop at @miracles wellness centre last Saturday (Presentation followed by LIVE Meditation), the feedback was amazing where people were able to connect with their emotions and the change was felt soon after the very first meditation session (some examples below).